Object containing information unique to the API call itself. Most critically, includes requestId which is required on most calls to ClientPay's API for authentication purposes.

requestId*StringThe requestId is required on almost all calls. It can be generated via the Generate Request ID endpoint. Each request requires a new request ID in order to reject duplicate requests.
sessionIdStringIf you are tracking requests on your end, you can write the sessionId here. Values passed in here will be stored with any payers/payments made on the resulting API page and can be queried.
customerIdStringAnother field available for your reference. Values passed in here will be stored with any payers/payments made on the resulting API page and can be queried.
"token": {
    "requestId": "1e6bdb34-3ef4-4005-aeaa-b31e2xxxxxxx",
    "sessionId": "154321",
    "customerId": "66"