Pass in query parameters and get back a list of posting records that match the criteria for the specified page number and page size. Always call the Count endpoint first in order to inform how many pages you'll need to request. Results are limited to payments made against the merchant account tied to accessId used unless a customerAccessId is used instead.

Syntax can be a bit tricky here, but that's because this endpoint supports any number of nested groupings of conditions/criteria. The conditions field acts only as an array of criteria objects.

Header Parameters

accessId*StringUnique identifier that ensures that the integrator has the authorization to make requests on behalf of the customer. (Specifically, a customer's merchant account)

Body Parameters

connectOption*StringIndicates which connected environment is being queried. ProLaw = 1, Enterprise = 2, 3E = 3, Aderant = 4.
group*Object/HashDefines a group of conditions to which the group's type will be applied when querying.
type*StringAccepts either "and" or "or". If "and", then query results must match all conditions in group. If "or", then query results must match any condition in group.
conditions*Array of (Criteria) ObjectsThe conditions array supports any number of criteria objects.
criteria*Object/HashEach criteria object can be defined as a search parameter.
orderByArray of StringsDefault is paymentDate. Can be ordered by paymentDate, paymentId, sessionId, or requestId in ascending order.
pageNumberIntegerDefault is 1. Determines which page of results will be returned. For example, if pageNumber is set to 2 and pageSize to 100, then the query will return results 101-200.
pageSizeIntegerDefault and max is 100. Determines number of results being returned.