Pass in either card data or a payer/payment method ID to directly process a payment.

Header Parameters

accessId*StringUnique identifier that ensures that the integrator has the authorization to make requests on behalf of the customer. (Specifically, a customer's merchant account)

Body Parameters

token*Object/HashObject containing authentication parameters - most crucially the requestId which is required with every call. For more information, see the Token Object.
totalAmount*DecimalThe total amount of the payment being processed, including tax if applicable.
taxDecimalPortion of totalAmount that is tax.
descriptionStringPayment Description. Header level text that will accompany payment.
orderIdStringValues sent here will be stored in the Order Number field within ClientPay.
payerOrPaymentMethodIdStringRequired if no "creditCard" object is provided. If a payment method ID is passed in, then that payment method will be used to process the payment. If a payer ID is passed in, the primary payment method for that payer will be used.
creditCardObject/HashRequired if no payerOrPaymenMethodId is provided. For more details, see the credit card object.
billingInformationObject/HashObject containing billing address fields that will be prepopulated on the resulting payment page. See the billing information object for more details.