Only functions in tandem with an existing Connect integration. Accepts a query parameter and returns an array of invoice objects matching that parameter from the connected environment.

Header Parameters

accessId*StringUnique identifier that ensures that the integrator has the authorization to make requests on behalf of the customer.

Body Parameters

connectOption*IntegerIndicates which connected environment is being queried. ProLaw = 1, Enterprise = 2, 3E = 3, Aderant = 4.
searchOption*IntegerIndicates which field is being queried. Invoice or Statement = 1, Matter ID = 2, Client ID = 3.
searchText*StringExact search text.
filterOptionIntegerFilter option to filter search results matching filter text value. Invoice or Statement = 1, MatterID = 2, ClientID = 3
filterTextStringFilter text value used to limit the results of searchText to only those that also match filterText.