This object is passed in whenever creating a new payment method via API. Each created payment method has an ID so that it can be referenced for use on subsequently created payment pages or for updates.

Field NameTypeDescription
id*StringThe GUID of the payment method.
isPrimaryBooleanDefault is false. Can only be one primary payment method per payer. Setting one as primary will automatically remove isPrimary status from other payment methods under the payer.
creditCardObject/HashObject containing credit card fields. See the the credit card object for more information. For each payment method, either the creditCard or the eCheck object is required (but never send both).
eCheckObject/HashObject containing eCheck fields. See the the eCheck object for more information. For each payment method, either the creditCard or the eCheck object is required (but never send both).
billingAddressObject/HashObject containing billing address fields. See the billing address object for more information.
      "id": "as48fdn4-sdifn448df-84nxxxxxxxx",
      "isPrimary": false,
      "creditCard": {
        "cardholderName": "Jane P. Doe",
        "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
        "expirationDateMonth": 12,
        "expirationDateYear": 2023,
        "cvv": "123"
      "eCheck": {
        "nameOnAccount": "",
        "routingNumber": "",
        "accountNumber": "",
        "accountType": ""
      "billingAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "string",
        "phoneNumber": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "zipCode": "string"