Accepts payment page data with one or more postable line items. Returns URL of payment page with corresponding line items. Payments made on the generated page will create posting records within ClientPay.

Header Parameters

accessId*StringUnique identifier that ensures that the integrator has the authorization to make requests on behalf of the customer. (Specifically, a customer's merchant account)

Body Parameters

token*Object/HashObject containing authentication parameters - most crucially the requestId which is required with every call. For more information, see the Token Object.
connectOption*IntegerConnect Integration Type; ProLaw = 1, Enterprise = 2, 3E = 3, Aderant = 4
invoices*Array of ObjectsList of connect invoice objects to be generated as line items on the payment page.
payerOrPaymentMethodIdStringIf a payer ID is provided, will surface all payment methods under that payer as options for payment. If a payment method ID is provided, will surface just that payment method on the payment page.
nameOnAccountStringPrepopulates the cardholder name/name on account field on the page.
billingAddressObject/HashObject containing billing address fields that will be prepopulated on the resulting payment page. See the billing address object for more details.
pageOptionsObject/HashObject containing various page customization options. See the page options object for more details.
emailOptionsObject/HashObject containing various options for emailing a payment receipt. See the email options object for more details.
responseOptionsObject/HashObject containing various options posting of data back to you, the ClientPay Integrator, once a payment has been completed. See the response options object for more details.