Pass in query parameters and get back a count of payments that match. You can then use the count to determine page and page size for the paymentsearch/results endpoint.

Syntax can be a bit tricky here, but that's because this endpoint supports any number of nested groupings of conditions/criteria. The conditions field acts only as an array of criteria objects.

Header Parameters

accessId*StringUnique identifier that ensures that the integrator has the authorization to make requests on behalf of the customer. (Specifically, a customer's merchant account)

Body Parameters

group*Object/HashDefines a group of conditions to which the group's type will be applied when querying.
type*StringAccepts either "and" or "or". If "and", then query results must match all conditions in group. If "or", then query results must match any condition in group.
conditions*Array of ObjectsThe conditions array supports any number of criteria objects.
criteriaObject/HashEach criteria object can be defined as a search parameter. For more info, check out the Criteria Object defitions.